A new normal...
Since April 3, 2005 my life has never been the same, nor will it ever be the same again. This was the day that I first made contact with my bmom. This last year especially the first six months of the reunion I was literally consumed with emotions and thoughts ALL. THE. TIME! It was actually frustrating, because I was really looking forward to my life just settling back down and going back to "the way it was" I've realized however that it's not going to happen. As one of my birth aunts mentioned in the beginning of all this, is that the reunion is sort of like a marriage between families. Things are getting back to a new normal. I don't run in and check my e-mail anxiously anymore in the middle of the night, but still there are some days that I hope to hear from my birth parents. I wonder if the relationship I have with my birth parents will stay like this forever. At first, I felt like I was getting a lot of attention because everything was so exciting and new. My bdad wrote me an e-mail about once a day, now it's down to once a week, maybe twice. My bmom wrote me a letter every other week and now I'm lucky if it's once a month. Sadly, I feel like the novelty has worn off. I guess it is sort of like a new love relationship where you think about them all the time, want to go out of your way for them and want to talk to them and be around them. This whole situation with wanting and yearning is just so different from anything else in my life. I have several friends I talk to once or twice a year but I know our friendship is still intact and I feel secure with that notion. Why can't I be "chill" like that with my birth parents or birth family? I constantly worry, and above all else in this world, don't want to do anything to offend them or make me not like me. I really need acceptance from them so badly and want to be close. I fear NOT being close, and drifting away. Losing them again because I care so deeply. Why am I not that way with my adoptive family? I feel sometimes I'm not fair to them because I know they'll always be there, but I find myself not going out of my way for them. They were the ones that were always there for me, when they weren't but some days I could care less. I could go weeks without talking to my parents, and a year or two without seeing my grandparents. The bond is just not there. Maybe that is what I am fearful of losing. I keep everyone at an arms length because I am afraid of letting people in. Most of the time I get hurt because in most cases people will let you down; either purposely or not it just happens. For some reason, I'm not afraid to let my birth family in, but I'm still freaked out they won't like me. I guess it's because when I met my bmom she totally backed away from me. I feel like our relationship distanced or fizzled. I still have the slight glimmer of hope that things will move forward. Is that stupid? Maybe...
I hear what you are saying and whats interesting is that I am an nmom (reunited with my son.)and I have been feeling similar feelings.
This week I have started a letter to him talking about this very thing. I dont want the relationship to die just because the intensity has lessened but I think sometimes it's that intesity that keeps it moving. Not because I dont want it to continue, its just it is like starting a new relationship because we dont have all the history to fall back on.
I will keep putting in effort for it to grow and not just fizzle out.
I still have so much I want him to be a part of and I want him to see more of himself in our family.
Thank you for sharing how it is for you.
yup. same here as msp. oddly, my "intensity" has not changed and it will be a year in june. of course, we have not met, we only email. its kinda odd. we dont fit the usual molds.
It's a hard place to be in. Not wanting to push yet feeling the need to be closer. It is a helpless feeling which I understand completely.
Since your relationship is open I would suggest being honest with them and maybe write a letter like Momseekingpeace is doing. Not over the top but gently honest about your hopes for the relationship and how you would like to see it blossom.
Sorry for the unsolicited advice but I do hope it helps a little.
Can I be your mom? You sound so precious. My birthdaughter has been silent now since our first f2f in March. What did I do? I'm so confused. It was over before it began.
Thanks Stacy. Your blog gives me so much to think about.
I'm sorry. I hope your natural family contacts you soon.
Hi Stacy,
I just reunited with my bmom in person last week. I'm still freaking out about it a little. What I'm keeping in mind is something that Kim Kim posted on her site; "Don't let it dwindle".
Kim thought that the bmom (or dad) had the responsibility to make sure this happened. I disagree. I think both parties should make the effort. And if your bmom is not making as much contact as you'd like, you are perfectly in the right to step up your contacts and ask her to do the same.
I kinda pressured my bmom to meet me. And if I haven't heard from her in awhile, I call just to check in. I think she's started to do the same.
It's all soooooooo weird. I know.
But the best we can do is work with what we've got. Hang in there. HUGS!!
The reunion journey definately is an emotional one with hills and valleys. And intitially many call it a "Honeymoon" which we know in marriage cannot stay so intense and blissful- we do come down to reality- But also feel we can work and keeping the loving feelings alive and well. My birth parents were deceased when I found- but I was fortunate to be reunited with my 3 older birth sisters who shared photos of my parents and info about them.
Your recent post takes me back many years ago- I am 51 now- Yikes! When one of my longterm boyfriends in high school broke up with me, it triggered up my adoption separation and abandonment issues. I did go through a depression for awhile, yet I know even those not adopted really struggle with break ups in love relationship. I hope you have a great local support system of friends and family- do reach out for help and for me prayers to God were my lifeline- He strengthened me and gave me hope to walk into a future. Many surprises were in store- but when you are just going through such a loss, it is very difficult. Be kind to yourself and nuture yourself. There WILL be rainbows again- you sound like a beautiful person!
Blessings, Jody, adoptee
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